Our Vision
Supporting the development of a skilled and adaptable workforce that aligns with current and emerging employment opportunities, meets industry and employer needs and meets individual aspirations and strengthens the economy and communities.
Apprentices and Trainees Queensland is committed to our Mission Statement which highlights our values:
Apprentices and Trainees Queensland is a non-profit community based organisation which conducts a wide range of Group Training and vocational programs for young and mature age people throughout the Central Queensland Region.
Apprentices and Trainees who are employed by Apprentices and Trainees Queensland are placed with Host Employers who provide on-the-job training which compliments their formal compulsory off-the-job training. This supports the traditional trades as well as facilitating other work-based Traineeship schemes. Our purpose is to promote the highest possible standards in training for all sectors of our community.
In order to provide continuous improvement in the services offered within Queensland, Apprentices and Trainees Queensland is committed to implementing a Quality Assurance System which meets ISO 9001:2015 Quality Systems Model for Quality Assurance in Production and Servicing.
Quality service is achieved by using a Management Model which is underpinned by a framework of Policies, Procedures and Forms which are reviewed regularly and are relevant to our organisation.
Apprentices and Trainees Queensland is accredited to ISO 9001:2015. To ensure Apprentices and Trainees Queensland remains compliant systematic continuous improvement practices are followed enabling Apprentices and Trainees Queensland’s ongoing commitment to the provision of best practice standards, and compliance with all relevant and current industry, legislation and statutory requirements.
Apprentices and Trainees Queensland will continually strive to meet stated goals and objectives and will provide best practice in the provision of recognised group training and other related client services, by:
Adhering to the Further Education & Training Act 2014 and other relevant legislation to ensure compliance with training contracts. Apprentices and Trainees Queensland will interact and cooperate with all parties concerned including the chosen Australian Apprenticeship Support Network (AASN), the chosen Registered Training Organisation (RTO), host employers, schools, community organisations, government departments, employee and employer unions to ensure successful completion of training for each apprentice and trainee.
Ensuring each apprentice and trainee:
has a training plan that is relevant and achievable.
receives the required on-the-job and off-the-job training.
has their progress and performance monitored.
is assisted with training difficulties.
maintains a training record.
Ensuring the Management Model is supported by administration, records and host management, that are efficiently managed by applying our Management System (documented quality procedures) across all our Group Training Organisation (GTO) functions and responsibilities.
Regular performance monitoring of our GTO services, by applying effective risk management tools (internal and external audits/change management, analysis and validation) to ensure continuous improvement and best practice.
Utilising the services of appropriately qualified administration and supervisory staff and field officers who have vocational competencies and expertise that is both current and at an appropriate level.
Providing our participants with access to their records, support in their workplace and access to user friendly complaints and grievances procedures.
Encouraging feedback on the relevance, cost effectiveness and overall standard of services provided by Apprentices and Trainees Queensland by regular data collection, collation and analysis, and using any relevant information to improve services to participants, clients and stakeholders.